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The Hard Road or the High Road by David Truman The following "fresh text" article is a lightly edited conversation between David Truman and a friend on August 13, 2010 • The not-good life people know • The too-good-to-be-true blues • The good life is out of town • Get willing to take the road less traveled, the High Road -- and do it! David: The conditions of the world are so low, and the expectations are so low, that in the mind of the usual world citizen, many very good things are too good to be true. Let's say you live in an alleyway, and your fellow bums are always mugging you and stealing your panhandling funds. And then someone comes up to you, and they want you to move in their house with them, they want to feed you and take care of you. Right? To you that seems too good to be true. So much more heavenly than the "norm," it seems like a fairy tale. Remember the movie "Trading Places"? F: Yeah, Eddie Murphy was stealing stuff from his own mansion. David: Exactly! He was a poor man, suddenly rich, walking around saying, "Oh, this is mine, right? You're giving me all this, right? I live here, right?" He was experiencing a failure to believe that this was possible. People sometimes go through this with me, when I love them and they actually think it is impossible. You see? They're pinching themselves, and maybe waiting for the other shoe to fall. Trust issues! So they and everybody who knows them could all say, "Well, that's way too good to be true." And they could agree on that, because in common culture, it really is. They know that people don't do that. You see? And people have this saying, "too good to be true," they use to dismiss all the things that are better than what ego can provide, better than what ego can expect, and better than what ego can be loyal to, or reciprocate as. For example, the street bum who got invited to stay in someone's home might be tempted to steal from his benefactor. Meaning, what was happening was better than what the bum could be loyal to, or true to. "Too good to be true" is really "too good to be true to," in the sense that people who say that are very much part of the world that always disappoints them. While they complain about its shortcomings, they also have the same shortcomings, themselves. F: Right. David: So therefore he knows, number one, that people only steal from each other; they don't actually give each other housing for free. And number two, if he got free housing, he would steal from it! Because he himself is really more involved in the mentality of the world than part of the mentality of this miracle that's been given him. Right? That's why Eddie Murphy started to steal his own candlesticks. And the butler said, "Look, you don't have to steal this, sir -- it's yours. That's yours." He couldn't help but steal it, because he is part of the world in which everyone steals, and no one gives. Therefore, when people are given the opportunity for a higher life, they themselves may continue to operate with such distrust that they actually cannot do better than distrust. For example, you say, "I love you," and they say, "Do you really? Do you mean it? I don't believe you. Probably what's gonna happen is..." Now, there they are within the Kingdom of Heaven, acting like the world! They have brought the mentality of the world into play in the Kingdom, because they expect what they are accustomed to being, themselves. F: Yeah, right. And so they see their whole world that way. David: They see the world that way, and they be that way. And by being that way, they disqualify themselves from the Heaven World. If somebody gives you a place to live, you can't steal from the house of your benefactor. That just won't work. You have to step up to the plate and play the game at the higher level to stay in the higher level. If you could exist in and as trust, you could play the game at the higher level. But when you're impregnated with distrust, and you're accustomed to acting as distrust, everything that you receive has to be earned, has to be fought for; it can't be a gift, you see? Or, there's a hidden agenda. And furthermore, the so-called hidden agenda is a bad agenda. It's not just hidden. It's bad and hidden. So in other words, there is no world other than that, that you know of. And therefore, good people are "responsible" people. They earn every buck from the sweat of their own backs. Right? They fight for everything they have. They don't accept handouts. They don't even believe in a world in which generosity or stringless giving is really possible. And it's not necessarily just bad faith on their part that they disbelieve good things. They are actually habituated to a not-good life. The not-good life people know In other words, the person is mean, and their friends are mean. So they're very much used to a certain immoral environment -- seeing it and being it -- and it's very difficult for them to imagine anything different. Like when the Vietnam vet comes back from the war, and he tends to have nightmares, and sits up in a cold sweat. And his wife is trying to convince him that the war is over, that she's not the enemy, and so forth. But he's still in it. He's become a survival machine, and he is living that, even in his sweaty dreams. And the people -- they have been through a million processes of rejecting and being rejected by. That's the modern experience: we reject and we are rejected. That's what happens over and over again. We don't care about other people, and they don't care about us. We will offhandedly reject them at the drop of a hat. We will leave them and never leave a note. We will make an agreement and never keep it. We do all these things, and so do all our friends. We've seen it and been it. Then, in that world, when someone comes up with anything different than what we are, and what almost all people have been for us, that's an anomaly. It's a moral anomaly to care in an ego-driven world. It's a moral anomaly to be responsible to someone, or for someone to be responsible to you. It's a moral anomaly to be loyal, or to have someone be loyal to you. It's a moral anomaly to be true in love, and not just to be after something. Many of us have lived an immoral life among other people who did the same to us. And this became our "knowing" about life. Just like a little kid in the streets of Buenos Aires; he knows that every kid steals from every other kid. He knows these things in his bone marrow. This has been his life. Now, you try talking that person out of that. That kid's like a beaten junkyard dog. He has a deeply ingrained engram about life and living, and is always hiding and running, and making plans, and squirreling things away. He does this compulsively. If you gave him a little bit of food, he'd eat half of it, and very carefully hide the rest someplace where nobody could find it. And you'd say, "You don't have to hide that. There's more where that came from. We'll give you some more if you run out." And he would say, "Yeah, yeah, of course," and then go and hide it anyway, and be very worried about the fact that you or somebody else was going to steal it back. "You say you love me today, but whatever I can get from this love, I better get it today, because you might change your mind." That's the way of the poverty-stricken, and the people who believe in scarcity and not in abundance, who believe in disloyalty and not in loyalty -- they stuff their face. I heard this story: This guy lived with the Eskimos, and he was surprised to see that, after they packed all of their sleds for a long trip and started out, they unpacked all the food and ate it before they even lost sight of their starting point. They would actually eat everything they had packed for the next week. They always did that. And so, in fact, do the primitive tribes in Africa. They would eat all of whatever there was. And they would even hide it from their mother. Scarcity does funny things to people. It makes them into animals. Now, when we live in a world that is scarce on love and scarce on loyalty, it does very strange things to people. It causes them to act in very bizarre ways whenever there's anything around to eat, or any love. They become jumpy, and they start to grasp at things like an animal and stuff their face. And they do that in a way that hurts. Just like the girls did with Paul McCartney when they pulled out his hair to take some home for a souvenir. They were Beatle lovers; they were never going to see him again; they were never going to be close enough to pull out some of his hair. They knew that. So they did what they could. They took advantage of the moment. The romance loophole One thing is, people do believe that heaven can exist for a couple. In other words, people believe they can fall in love and be in heaven. F: Oh yeah, that's the one thing they believe in. David: It's part of the conventional mindset that a heavenly love can exist, but only in a couple. In that love, you can transcend yourself. In that love, you can serve. In that love, you can be devoted. In that love, you can do all these things. So I guess we could recommend romance to people. But what we find is, people can't do very well with it, because greed and lust get attached to what ego wants out of the experience of Heaven. And that's very much like Eddie Murphy. "I'm gonna steal this. I'm gonna take this." "You don't have to steal this. You can have some more of that tomorrow." "No, I'm stealing it. What if I don't have it tomorrow?" "Okay, steal it, but then you're going to be evicted." And that's what happens. The romantic couple falls in love, and then they get turned on, and they have some kind of sexual relationship. And then if it's good, they get attached to it. And they start being grabby about it, and that ruins it. They make a fool of themselves, or they become emotionally hurtful in their greed. And then, as a result, they're out. F: Right, it's ruined. David: It's ruined. The Heaven platform that was based on a mutual regard and a mutual love is ruined when ego takes over and turns it from a consciousness of love into a consciousness of greed. That's what happened in the movie "The Treasure of Sierra Madre." These guys were fine buddies, up to the point where the ego realized that there was a tremendous benefit involved in all this gold, and that therefore, it needed to connive, and sneak around behind the backs of the others, and try to outfox them. You see it? So it's a propensity of an ego-driven person to switch from a positive to a negative orientation, or from a spiritually appropriate to an egotistical orientation, in the presence of high possible gains. That, then, undoes the Heaven condition that is offered by romantic relationships. And it does so in virtually every case. Therefore, we can say, "Here's where the opportunity for Heaven lies." And we can also say, "And here's what happens when ego gets involved in trying to co-opt the benefits for itself, starts grasping and so forth: it's ruined." So now you're back to: Do your own thing. Rely on your own resources. Do without the energy of polarity. Do it all on your own steam, without much spark for upliftment. F: That's sad. David: So, the good news is, Heaven is available on Earth. The sad news is, if ego gets a hold of it, it ruins it. F: Yep, and ego has a hold on most everything these days. So most everything gets ruined. David: Yeah, but ego is subordinated in the honeymoon. That's why the honeymoon is the honeymoon. See, what happens is people do what we call "let their guard down." They not only let their guard down, but they actually let down all the kinds of toxic strategies and habits that the ego usually uses to maintain its own state or condition. They let the whole thing down. So, not only is a person vulnerable and feeling, they are also giving; they are living. Because even the ego is smart enough to realize that if you don't be a saint at times, you're not gonna get the goodie. Why would I go out to Monte Carlo on my honeymoon in my five-star hotel and just start arguing, when I know all that would do is ruin it? So I think to myself, "Put a cork in it! This is no time to be arguing." Right? I dismiss it immediately as being entirely ruinous and stupid and inappropriate for the moment. Not gonna do it. Any other time I would have done it in a hot second. So I actually showed the intelligence of a person who knows how to protect Heaven from ego. And I was able to do that for 48 hours, before all hell broke loose in Monte Carlo, because I had suppressed myself so much. I started to become reactive to the Heaven I had created when I set aside ego. I started to feel disoriented. I started to feel like it was all too much. And, I wanted to gain back some ground for ego. So, I started our first fight, and ruined everything. And that was it -- that was the end of the honeymoon period, and back to the normal life of distrust, fighting, every man for himself -- all the principles that are taken quite for granted in the life of any ego-driven human being. They all started back up again after the honeymoon; and in fact, they were what brought the honeymoon to an end, emotionally. Now, isn't that something? F: Yeah. Wow. That's a very, very good understanding of what the ego does to Heaven. David: It ain't bad. So that's why, by and large, people will stay out of relationship, or their relationships will be minimized to the place where they are not really heavenly. They are functional: they get to share rent; they get to have conversations with each other. They might even have sex. The sex wouldn't be much to write home about, but it would exist -- if they were lucky. What do you think? Isn't that amazing? F: Yeah, it's amazing. You totally explained why people, when introduced to us or introduced to you, and what a heavenly life could be, reject it. You know, it's too good to be true. The ego's view of it is that it can't exist. The life ego will allow David: That's right. So that life I just described, the life that is fairly flat and lackluster, is the only life ego can allow -- because everything else is actually threatening the ego itself. It's threatening, because it's a higher vision that calls for a greater generosity and love on one's own part, a vision that has more positive expectations of others than one wants, for self-protective reasons, to have. One doesn't want to think very well of others. And therefore, it's necessary to think ill of others primarily, to expect ill of others. And to protect oneself by doing only the minimum. That's all ego can allow. The good life, the life that is really heavenly, that's the life that ego cannot allow -- absolutely not. It rubs ego the wrong way. It makes demands, and creates responsibilities. If things are good, if relationships are good, you have something to live up to. Ego hates that. Because then, what happens to your whimsy? What happens to your desire to do what you want, when you want, to be any way you want? To pull out, withdraw, run around, make a joke out of it, be a sovereign jerk doing your own thing with impunity? So, call it good, call it freedom, and call it whatever you want. Call it whimsy. But do not threaten it. Do not take it away, or the person is going to fight you hard. They will do anything to keep from being in that harness. But obviously, there's no Heaven if you're not responsible. There's no Heaven if people are not responsible to you. There's no Heaven if you're not loyal. There's no Heaven if they're not loyal to you. There's no Heaven if you're whimsical. And there's no Heaven if they're whimsical in relationship to you. There isn't. Of course not. It's obvious. Love requires that level of responsibility, that level of accountability, that level of consistency. Nothing in it for the ego. No self-interest there. So for those reasons, Heaven cannot be, in the life of an ego. It must be Hell. It must be a Hell that is ego-created, and ego-controlled. "I'd rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven." And it's true that in Heaven one has to serve. So the statement is well-taken. So, which will it be? The matter of choice is up to the ego, or the spirit. If the person's ego-identified, then the preferences are set: "I hate Heaven. And I prefer Hell, because it gives me the separateness I want." If the spirit gets to choose, it's: "I love Heaven. I love it because it gives me the unity I want. It gives me the lack of walls. It gives me the transparency of life. It gives me loyalty, cooperation, everything that brings joy, everything that is happy. And therefore I love the life that God designed." You see? But try to sell that heavenly life to an ego-identified person, and you will catch some heavenly flack. They will run like hell. They will freak out on you. They will. They do not want that. They do see really bad things happening with that right away. It limits their freedom to be selfish and indifferent. This is what they see. This is what they fear. This is why they run. They will not permit the reduction of the kind of autonomy that separates, that hurts. They won't stand for it. But they will stand for egotism. And, whether they know it or not, they will stand against love, against surrender, against generosity, and against connection. And they will stand for separation, for disconnection, for withholding, for withdrawing. And therefore, they will create an ineffective engine that has no reciprocating parts. It lacks polarity, it lacks cooperation, it lacks the ability to harmonize with another person, or other persons. And so it runs very rough -- tinkity bunk bankik ktick bunk -- it's all discombobulated. The thing can hardly stay lit with that kind of internal conflict of its moving parts. See what I mean? And this is why things are so difficult in the world, and difficult even in the marriages. Difficult because the people don't want to surrender enough to be able to act in concert, smoothly and harmoniously together. They really don't want the together part. It really annoys them, all that togetherness. People ruin good love relationships for that reason. They do not want to be under that constraint. Absolutely not! It's completely obvious to them how heinous it is to cooperate, how degrading, how terrible. And that's really true, you see, even in the honeymoon. What brings the honeymoon down is this idea that the other shoe is gonna have to fall. F: That's right. David: So what does that really mean in practical terms? It means it's too good to be true. It's not really gonna last. "When's the bottom gonna fall out of the elevator? When's the other shoe gonna fall? I know this can't last. And when whatever happens that brings the honeymoon to an end, will that end us altogether, or will it just end the honeymoon?" These are things people want to know. These are the things they're thinking about. In other words, even in the midst of the honeymoon, there isn't much credibility on the fact of Heaven being a viable life. Because everybody knows it's exceptional. And, as the exception to the rule, it proves the rule -- so they think. The wages of death is sin What I would say is: the wages of death is sin. What that means is: When a person has already died to the brightest and most beautiful possibilities of living, they are stuck with sin. They have to scuffle for a living. They have to protect themselves against their friends. They have to fight against each other even in their marriage. They have to suffer the extreme inefficiencies produced by conflict -- such as a former couple now paying for two houses instead of one, etc. All this because in death -- that is to say, in the unloving, unliving unlively condition of being -- abundance is prevented, wasted, or destroyed, and inefficiency is. Abundance is the thing you distrust when you get to Heaven or into a heavenly condition. You think, "This is all well and good, but someday this is going to be over, and then what am I going to do? I need to plan for that." So you start stealing stuff and putting it away for a rainy day. You're like Eddie Murphy in your own mansion, stealing little things and hiding them, believing that someday you're going to be kicked out, and this will be your reserves to fall back on. Once a person has rejected the infinite flow, they develop habits of living that are sinful, because they're distrusting and self-centered. And the heart hates it, the soul hates it. The soul regrets it. So the person's always having to justify and rationalize it by saying, "Hey, I have to do this; no one's gonna look out for me but myself. If I don't love myself, who will? If I don't take care of myself, who will?" Those statements express great negativity and skepticism about the stinginess of the world -- the lack of care, the lack of sustenance, the lack of cooperation, the lack of help. And so, here the people are. They're unable to keep their hands out of the cookie jar of sin and sinful mentality -- even in Heaven -- because they expect death, and therefore they expect the lack of abundance. So they're always trying to fend for themselves. They're always trying to figure out their fallback position. They're always trying to be the practical pig about the "fact" that abundance is really not, and scarcity really is. The too-good-to-be-true blues People become so habituated, they practically can't turn off their sinful ways of thinking. And they don't want to turn off their sinful ways of acting, because they believe that what their sinful ways of thinking teaches them is true. Several years ago, my friends hired a relatively poor lady to work at their business. She actually embezzled from them, and they ended up having to fire her because, although she had a job, she behaved like Eddie Murphy in "Trading Places": she couldn't stop stealing. She "had" to steal, you know, because "how long will this last?" She felt she "had" to squirrel away a little for tomorrow. So she took what was takeable. And of course she lost her job -- embezzlers don't generally keep their jobs after they are found out. Likewise: you can have good sex; you can get grabby about it; and then you can get "fired." That is, the relationship sours. Your partner is turned off. That's how it works. So people kick heaven out of Heaven, or leave on their own accord -- and then starve. Malnourished, they become more grabby and greedy and scared and desperate. They are living in lack, in scarcity, in malnourishment, so they have to be careful. They have to hoard every crumb. They have to grasp at every straw. They have to do these things, because they actually are starving. The big nutrition comes from Heaven, from Love, from Unity. The rest is starvation. If people would only trust in the Love and the Life of the Universe, they'd be healed by that Light. But there's Eddie Murphy stealing from the source! And here's the horndog, stealing the sex from his own wife. He can't believe there's going to be any sex tomorrow, so he's gotta grab it all while the gettin's good. And then -- boom! He's evicted, because he bit the hand that fed him. No more food. Don't do that. If people would only trust in the love of Heaven, trust in the provision of Heaven, they wouldn't be thinking, "Stuff your face, there'll never be tomorrow!" Faithlessness demands that evil be perpetrated. The virtual rape of wives by lusty husbands, that says it all. And what about rape of the world. Distrusting people rape things, you see? They "have to," as they see it -- so they do. You do what you gotta do, right? Wrong! That's why no ego-driven individual will ever have a love relationship -- because if they don't trust in it, they rape it. And if they rape it, they break its heart, and they ruin it. It's a big rejection of what it is. "You say you love me, but you don't love me. No one does. And so, to take into account what I 'know,' what I've gotta do is take what I can while I can, protect myself, etc., etc. etc." Whatever it is, it hurts. And therefore, you're evicted. You're thrown out of Heaven, because you couldn't trust in it. You won't tolerate anyone in your face who doesn't trust you; that's a fact about you. And guess what? Everyone's just like you. Nobody wants to be distrusted. If we distrust them, they find that painful, and they want to distance themselves from us. And eventually, they will get us out of their lives because of the pain we're causing them by distrusting them. So, it all results in the abortion of love, and in the destruction of relationship -- or at least the destruction of affinity and harmony and joy within relationship. You can have a distrusting relationship, but it won't be something you'd want to be in, because it will be painful and empty; it will be unsatisfactory, heartbreaking, disappointing, unfulfilling. If you like that kind of thing, great, go for it. But otherwise, you either don't relate, or you get rid of the distrust that makes relating into hell or purgatory because it can't be fulfilled, it can't be fulfilling. It can't be satisfactory -- at least not on the ego way, the distrust way. So you keep stealing a bit at a time. You keep embezzling from the generous hand that feeds you. You look for your own comfort and salvation, instead of believing that comfort and salvation will be granted by those who love you, and that you don't have to worry about that kind of thing. You don't have to go for self-stimulating comfort; you don't have to run away to be happy; you don't have to go it alone; you don't have to take a bubble bath and think about me in order to have anyone love you. If you would trust in the Love and Life of the Universe, you would be healed by that Love and that Life. Because the Universe is only too keen on healing you, loving you, and giving you life. Only too enthusiastic to do that. All the angels and Celestials are hovering around, trying to figure out how they can help you, how they can get a million dollars in edgewise, how they can give you what you want and need -- whatever that is, maybe not cash. But if you want to go back to the blues, that's your problem. If you want to go it alone because you don't trust them, that's your problem. And your problem, your commitment to death -- to not living and giving abundantly, so that you can support a circle of abundance -- is essentially putting up a shield of skepticism and resistance and doubt against the Celestial Order. It works against the Provision of Providence. Against the generous Heart of God, it throws up a shield, saying, "That's too good to be true. When's the other shoe going to fall?" And, "If I allow myself to get addicted to that, I'll develop a dependence on something that won't be there, because pretty soon, they'll take it away. So I'd be hurt in the end. That's a huge problem. So I refuse to depend, and that prevents disappointment!" It's the old philosophy that says, "Live on the absolute bottom, and you can never fall. You've got nowhere to go but up." If you believe that, and live on the bottom accordingly, then friend, you've got the "too-good-to-be-true" blues, bad. The high road The reality is, you can't have the Way of Heaven if: 1. You won't be open to it, and 2. You won't do it, live it, be it. To enjoy what God has to offer you, you have to be willing to live in a heavenly way, which is generous, abundant. You have to be willing to give yourself in abundance; and you have to be open to the gifts of others, not simply reject them. In other words, heavenly living in both ways. The reception and the provision of abundance needs to be your way, or you're part of the Blue Meanies, the Low Road way, the Way of Ego, which is a way of scarcity. A way of doubt. A way of rejection: the too-good-to-be-true way. Or the-hard-way-is-all-there-is way. "I'm doing it the hard way because the high way is too good to be true." Which do you want? The hard way or the high way? Well, if you've got the too-good-to-be-true blues, then guess what? The hard way is for you. F: That's right. David: So you've gotta give up; you've gotta let go of the too-good-to-be-true blues. You've got to start living in faith. You've got to jump at the positive opportunities with faith and joyful expectation of happy results. You've got to live as a provider, as a giver, and not as a taker, a miser, or a grabber. You've got to live as a fountain to climb the mountain. A fountain on the mountain of faith. F: Faith in good things, faith in Heaven. David: Faith in the fact that if you love, you will always be replenished. That there is an infinite supply. That you can live in that zone. And you see, people know what it is to be in the infinite flow. Everybody's been in that zone from time to time, where they were giving and flowing love so freely they felt there was no possible ending of it, that it would actually be infinite. And they were into that. That's your part: to be in that flow, to live as the infinite flow. And then, based on the fact that you have lived it, to be receptive to the fact that it exists for you. That, just as you have been willing to give it, so also It is willing to give Itself to you. And that therefore, there's a circle: "May the circle be unbroken, by and by." Unbroken by skepticism. Unbroken by stinginess. Unbroken by greed. Unbroken by doubt. Unbroken by rugged individualism, or the desire to go it alone and to do one's own thing. All of those things kill the circle. And they create this hopeless little dot called "yourself" in the middle of infinity -- cut off from the circle, cut off from life, doing your own thing to the exclusion of all else, without faith in anything else. That's the hard way, the way in which you go it alone. The way in which anything that is truly loving or generous is something you'll doubt. If you live as infinite generosity, you are in a position to be receptive to infinite generosity, and even receptive to believing in the existence of such a thing. You see? For love to exist for you, in your psychology, you have to persist in it. In reality, it exists anyway, whether you do that or not. But for love to exist for you as you see it, you have to persist in it as you be it. Relationship is a small ecosystem. Don't piss in it. Because if you piss in it, you find that you and your beloveds have to drink that water. And then, people are skeptical about you; people are thinking you're not good for it. And no wonder they think that -- that was their pond, too, that you polluted. So now what are you going to do, oh wise one? Next time, protect your assets for real. Don't piss in the pond. Do not ruin the beauty that God gives. Always start from the basics of love, and then persist that way. The vision of Heaven, the provision of Heaven -- do that. Be that. See that. Know that. That's pure. That works. It will work for you. The good life is out of town But remember: what is beautiful is esoteric in this world. And it is against the grain of culture. A wise man said, "If you want to be a different kind of fish, you've got to jump out of the school." True, 'cause in the school, if you want to be good, you've gotta explain yourself. Try to live a life of love and devotion under the watchful gaze of your friends, you'll catch some flack. That's ego culture for ya. It wants you to feel good about being selfish. And it makes you feel bad about being good: for being kind, generous, compassionate -- all the good things that come naturally to you. I remember when I was a teenage boy, and I told this guy that I would do his laundry. He said, "What are you trying to be, some kind of whore?" Hey -- I was just trying to do the guy a favor! Similarly, if you were a woman and you were devoted to a man -- or wanted to be -- your friends would give you a hard time. You need a higher home, if you want a home for your heart. In common culture, there's no end to the censorship and disapproval of everything about you that is good, pure, beautiful, and true. So you forget about it. Suppress it. Hide it. And don't confess it, 'cause it's considered to be wrong. The chances of your best aspects being approved by anybody in ordinary culture is slim to none, and Slim just left town. Where did Slim go? He left town, and went to where he didn't have to fight tooth and claw just to live a beautiful life, just to live good. Because ego is so upset about everything that's truly beautiful and transcendent, the good life has to move out of town. And in the history of humanity, it always has done so. We're not going to find the good life in the conventional thinking. We're not going to find it in the conventional ways of living. We're not going to find it in the ways that we're dying to protect. We're not going to find it in the ways that we're dying of. We will find it in the road less traveled. We will find it in a rarified way of thinking that is kindly, for example. We will find it in the Way of the Heart. There we will surely find it. And it will find us there. Get willing to take the road less traveled, the High Road -- and do it! On the High Road, you can be yourself, the beautiful one you are. You know you're a good person, don't you? Your impulses are good. You want to love. You want to care. And you do want to be devoted and promoted out of the world of ego, the stupid world. You're tired of being demoted down to selfish when you need to be promoted back up to loving. Can I get an Amen? Rebel against the tired old bullshit. Throw off the evil dictator, ego. Down with ego! Down with the culture ego has established. Down with its rules and standards. Down with the drive to Hell -- the drive to be bad, to be selfish, to be mean. Throw off those ego-chains and fly! Fly like an angel, fly on wings of love, fly high, into the sky. Bye-bye shame and blame. Bye-bye, ego-game. Heaven is here. And Heaven isn't too good to be true -- or too good to be true to. So throw off those too-good-to-be-true blues for good! Move out of town! Move to the highlands of heart and soul. Rise like on the wings of an eagle. Quit hanging around in the lowlands. You've gotta vote for a higher order. Vote with your life, with how you live. You gotta be free. So be free. See the love that is. Let it be. See that you've got a good heart -- let it be. Know that God has a way in mind for humanity, and the way is love. Let it be. In the hour of darkness,
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