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Like a great central generator, God propels spiritual evolution with the radiant power of Divine Love. And if God is the generator, then the still small voice is the distributor: it directs God's Love where needed. It is also the transformer, converting Divine Blessings into the exact form required at the moment.
The still small voice "speaks" in two ways: prompting and teaching. Promptings take the form of inspirations or urges that show us what to do, with whom, and when. Teachings help us relate properly to specific situations, providing clarification and attitude adjustment. In the long run, teachings help us develop and refine our spiritual perspective, showing the way to stable happiness.
Gods voice within is not necessarily a SPOKEN voice.
When people think of the still small voice, they are looking for verbal instructions -- words. That's natural, but God excels at nonverbal communication: URGES, NOT WORDS. He speaks with inner wellings, rising energies in the body.
Those waves of feeling don't just point you in the right direction, they also provide the right kind and amount of energy to move WITH. When you hop to and deliver the juice while it's hot -- while the impulse is still burning in you -- you easily create the miracle that needs to occur.
Loving impulses are love notes from God to someone.
People sometimes hope for silly directives from the still small voice: that the still small voice will tell them to take a Hawaiian vacation, for example. But not surprisingly, the urgings of the still small voice are mostly motives to love. After all, God's business is love, and He performs His missions through human beings. God's angels rely heavily on direct human-to-human service: they try to serve you through others and to serve others through you. This is why loving impulses abound in us. They are love notes from God to someone.
Spiritual progress requires the continual establishment of clarity. Clarity, over time, elevates and refines spiritual wisdom. Therefore in addition to promptings, the still small voice offers heavenly guidance in the form of insight and understanding. The following are examples of actual messages of this type:
Those messages came as responses to specific situations. They should only be taken as examples of the KIND of lessons the still small voice teaches. Your messages may vary.
1. Healing wounds and grievances
A voice of forgiveness and good will.
The angels recognize the pain of unresolved grudges and grievances. Negative fixations of heart and mind can impede evolutionary progress, or even reverse it. Therefore, angels take special interest in healing negative social attitudes that may exist between people. For example, someone has wronged you and feels guilty. You, the "victim," can heal that wound, so the still small voice prompts you to give the offender a forgiving message of good will and even appreciation.
2. Helping strangers
A voice of care and kindness.
You notice that a store clerk feels exhausted. She has probably had a long day dealing with an unappreciative public. You are moved to say, "It sure is busy around here. You are doing quite a job." That small kindness, perfectly timed, may make her day and boost her flagging self esteem. More than that, it may restore her faith in humanity.
3. Providential aid
Down the firepole to the rescue!
Heaven's matchmakers inspire us to fill needs that we do not know exist, creating events whose value and timeliness we could not, from our limited perspective, have anticipated. For instance: A woman feels moved to make a "random" call to a friend. The friend is amazed and relieved to receive the call, and says, "Your timing is incredible. I've got a problem I really need to talk to you about. . ."
4. Offhand but useful remarks
Just the right word or deed at exactly the right time.
Usually, timing is everything -- and often, only God knows what perfect timing is. Have you ever noticed how a casual remark you once made -- and probably forgot -- may stick in the mind of its hearer for years, offering ongoing guidance and comfort? The angels have noticed that too.
5. Social matchmaking
Tango isn't the only thing it takes two to do.
The fulfillment of many human prayers and needs requires the cooperation of other human beings. So one of the angels' important jobs is to arrange apparently "coincidental" meetings for the formation of social alliances and work teams. The angels provide introduction services so that human desires may be fulfilled -- and more importantly, so that heavenly designs may be furthered.
In those five ways, the still small voice serves the specific needs of humankind. In time we will surely discover many more mysterious functions of this wondrous Divine voice.
Many people expect the still small voice to address all of their concerns, however petty or mundane. But, as we've all experienced, merely fulfilling our lower desires, our personal desires, does not really satisfy us. To be genuinely happy, we need peace, love, goodwill towards men. And THAT is the orientation the still small voice so admirably serves.
More than anything else, the still small voice offers impulses of love. When we follow through on those impulses we become "instruments of Thy peace." Serving as instruments of God's peace, we are truly happy.
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