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You can't change people. When we speak of transformation, we're really talking about changing STATE, not changing SELF. But since we closely identify with our state, we all tend to think that we're changing ourselves when we change our state. So we say, I'M changing.
We all know that we can change state, because we've all been through more changes of state than we care to remember: happy, sad; high, low; skinny, fat; certain, confused.
Temporary changes of state come from the extra energy we get from doing something NEW or something MORE.
Temporary changes of state can be created by any experience which raises energy. A little adventure -- doing something NEW or MORE -- accelerates our vibration and leaves us feeling revitalized and different. Such "risks" lead toward a new state of mind and a higher state of energy.
Now what most of us want to know is: Can a person change permanently or only just for a short time? Permanent changes of state -- transformations -- can and do happen, but rarely. We CAN change permanently by consciously raising our energy level and sustaining the increase over time. They don't happen often because most of us never accumulate enough energy in our system to create a quantum jump in energy level. That is what it takes to create lasting change.
Transformation -- a PERMANENT change in state -- results from a quantum jump in energy level.
Transformations occur in human beings in exactly the same way as changes of state occur in water. It takes a certain amount of energy to get a person from one state to the next, just as it takes a certain amount of energy to change water from a liquid to a gas. For a while, adding energy just heats the water, but doesn't change its state. Then suddenly, when the water reaches 212°, it boils. (Or, in the case of a person, you CHANGE.)
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People naturally feel disappointed that they work hard and raise their rate of vibration somewhat, but their "high" doesn't last. They complain, "I did the whole enlightenment weekend, and I felt great for two days. But now I feel the same as I did before. What a waste. It's not working."
Actually, it WAS working; it just didn't go far enough. You succeeded at raising the water temperature a little, and some of the accumulated energy lingered in you and made you feel better for a while. But transformation takes a certain exact amount of energy; not one bit less will do the job. So, ask yourself this, "How many times can a person heat a pot of water up to 200 degrees and not have it boil?" Answer: INFINITE times.
If you want to be transformed, you have to bring your body/mind to "the boiling point."
Just like a very large pot of water, our body/mind has a large capacity to absorb energy before changing state. Most people tend to quit their energy-raising processes before they come to a boil. Often, fearing real change, they may bail out purposely -- or perhaps unconsciously. If you want to be transformed, patience combined with hard work is needed to get the job done. You have to sit there on the hot seat, absorbing that energy, and let the total mass of your body/mind heat come all the way to a boil. Otherwise, "a miss is as good as a mile." You're just working on the beginning of what could become transformation. And maybe you never knew how close you WERE.
Transformation is like a house you can buy for a very good price -- one hundred thousand dollars -- but you have to buy it with CASH. How fast can you save up that much money? It depends on how much you earn; AND how much you SPEND. You could make five hundred thousand dollars, but if you spent all but two dollars of it, you would only be two dollars closer to your goal. So it's good to think about EARNING speed, but it's also important to be aware of WASTING speed. Otherwise, you could quite literally earn for the rest of your days, and never be able to afford that house.
To get ahead, make gains and KEEP them!
HERE'S the reason we work hard for nothing: to protect our egos. Remember, the ego hates change, so when change occurs, the ego tries to cancel it out, and offset the gains with backsliding. We call that "the cancel dance." For example: You go to the health club and work out, and from there, straight to the ice cream parlor to pig out. One step forward, one step back. Relative to unfamiliar experiences of higher states of consciousness, the cancel dance expresses the natural tendency to return to the level of consciousness we had before. Here are several variations on the cancel dance theme.
Four ways to "cancel dance" your way back to your old familiar state.
These are the ways that people lose the ground they've gained, lose their good feelings, and fail to reach the level of energy for transformation. Try not to do that stuff.
There are many people whose lives are full of risk and excitement. They might be enlightened, if it were not for some serious cancel dancing. Often, they cancel their high energy away with ethical and social misbehaviors.
All too often, unethical behaviors seem to follow directly upon enlightenment experiences or high energy states. For example, a person who goes to an enlightenment seminar comes back excited and in possession of a brand new swelled head. The person will proceed to feel superior, and commit a number of social errors on that account; like talk too much and listen too little; or alienate people with selfish enthusiasm for some kind of continuing process; or take the skill learned in the seminar, and use it to exploit life or people in a fundamentally selfish way. All such misbehavior may be an unconscious attempt to reduce the unfamiliar high energy condition, to re-stabilize the ego-centered personality in a condition more like the familiar old state of being.
To the extent that we behave unethically, guilt and shame will lower our energy. Our friends may even withdraw, run away, or project resentment or other negative emotions at us -- all of which robs US of THEIR energy. And then, of course, if we become defensive in response, that further reduces our energy.
Successful transformation depends on maintaining the highest possible ethical orientation.
Successful transformation depends on maintaining the highest possible ethical orientation in life. High ethics create inner happiness, and draw a positive energy response on all sides from the people we have loved, taken care of, and taken into account. This is a real energy BOOST, not an energy DRAIN.
If you put a HUGE amount of energy into your own body/mind, you could come to a boil in a short period of time, and be transformed permanently. The main limiting factor is courage. How do you think the astronauts feel when they're sitting on a six million horsepower rocket going skyward? They're probably thinking, "I don't know if this is a good career choice." But it takes every ounce of that horsepower to escape the earth's gravitational field.
Go for it! Once you're transformed, you'll never see that old junk again -- at least not in the mirror!
So, how much daring have you got? When you are sitting on the horsepower that you can create just by doing something different, and you start to feel a little toasty and squirrelly, remember that it's a good career choice for you to become the person you want to be. Before you push the eject button, ask yourself, "Do I really need to go back to the way I used to be?" If you don't REALLY need to, don't. Ride that rocket. Get out and stay out, once and for all. If you do, you'll never see that old junk again -- at least not in the mirror.
Have the courage to keep the heat on. When you do something different and feel disoriented, don't try to get reoriented to the way you used to be. Instead, do it again, and more intensely this time. That takes courage, but courage is the key to transformation.
Going for real transformation is like an assault on a mountain. Don't bring sneakers and a bag lunch to Mt. Everest. Be serious. Get the thirty sherpas, mountain gear, oxygen -- the whole shebang. Once you know what you're up against, do it. Go for higher and higher energy states. Press on until you come out where you really want to be:
by David Truman Please feel free to share copies of this article. |