AT ONE: A state in which distance, difference, and separation are NOT your primary focus -- and in which for you, indeed AS you, sameness IS.
Identified with -- and being -- your own spiritual potential/essence. Having confidence in the evolutionary path ahead.
LOVING: For the TRUE benefit and well-being of the beloved.
Motivated to grow for the sake of humanity (or one's associates, or God). Positively oriented to the unfolding of your present and future potential.
EXPANDED: Big, embracing, incorporating; free of smallness.
Feeling and fanning a natural affinity for understanding, growth and liberation. Glad to embrace wisdom-guidance and experiential challenges for the sake of growing. Positively attracted to internalizing the examples of inspiring role models.
ATTUNED: Keenly aware of and tuned in to.
Open to good ideas, good feelings, and uplifting energies.
PLUGGED IN: Involved and invested enough to be personally implicated.
Feeling the urgency of pursuing personal growth in order to make a much needed contribution to the greater good. Feeling implicated in the personal, social, and cosmic need to personally grow.